Meeting: Held in-person in Cambridge, ON at 8:30 am until noon
Board Present: Marc Mercier (Chair), Don Robertson, Trevor Tinney, Curtis Clairmont, Dave Arsenault and Scott McCrory
Board Absences: Andy Tonner and Frank Girhiny(regrets)
League Representatives: Rick Richardson (Senior), Terrence Whiteside (PJHL), Tim Simmons (GOJHL) and Marty Savoy (OJHL) on Zoom
OHA Staff: Mark Tuck, Chris McCleary and Murray Nystrom
Invited Guest: John Kastner, Chair, OHF
Meeting Synopsis
Much like it does before every meeting, the OHA Board commenced its meeting with the Land Acknowledgment . The Land Acknowledgement is one of the critical ways and means that the New OHA uses as an act of reconciliation that involves making a statement recognizing the traditional territory of the Indigenous people who called the land where OHA members play hockey today home before the arrival of settlers and in many cases still do call it home. The OHA Board is committed to undertaking more work in this critical area and to work more closely with OHA members to promote reconciliation and partnership.
There were four (4) scheduled motions for resolution at the meeting that were presented and ultimately moved, seconded and passed as follows:
a. Motion #1: Be it resolved that the Ontario Hockey Association Board of Directors hereby approve the meeting minutes from its November 17, 2023 meeting.
b. Motion #2: Be it resolved that the Ontario Hockey Association Board of Directors hereby authorize and approve in accordance with OHA rules and policies with the recommendation received from Mr. Simmons for and on behalf of the GOJHL that Wes Gee of the Pelham Panthers of the GOJHL has obtained 100 % legal ownership and control of the aforesaid hockey club from Tim Toffolo with the added acknowledgment that Mr. Gee had previously acquired and held a 50% ownership in the hockey club since the 2021 season.
c. Motion #3: Be it resolved that the Ontario Hockey Association Board of Directors hereby authorize and approve in accordance with OHA rules and policies with the recommendation received from Mr. Whiteside for and on behalf of the PJHL the sale of the Campbellford Rebels by Larry Patton to three gentlemen from the Campbellford area, namely David Marsh, Bryce Ellis, and Daniel Giddings.
d. Motion #4: Be it resolved that the Ontario Hockey Association Board of Directors hereby approves the 2024 OHA AGM to be held in the Town of Kincardine ONT, hosted by Gold Stick member Doug Kennedy.
Matters reviewed and discussed at meeting, included but were not limited to the following:
1. Finances for period ending November 30 of the OHA.
2. John Kastner of the Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) was invited to the meeting. During the part of the meeting while Mr. Kastner was present, various OHF-matters directly and indirectly impacting the OHA were discussed, including, without limitation, the apparent circumvention of OHA jurisdiction and the perceived over-involvement by the OHF in internal matters pertaining to the OHA, various financial matters and the OHF’s desire for improvements in the way in which criminal and VSS records are administered. The OHA pledged to communicate more frequently with the OHF pertaining to matters of concern to it and its members to ensure that the relationship between the 2 hockey organizations remains as strong, productive and mutually beneficial as possible.
3. An update of the meeting that occurred between members of the GOJHL (represented by Joe Daniels, Tim Simmons and Craig Spada) on December 1, 2023 with OHA representatives (Marc Mercier and Mark Tuck and Murray Nystrom) to discuss why some pockets within the GOJHL are exploring leaving Hockey Canada, as well as a number of the perceived issues such parties have with the current Hockey Canada-OHF /OHA framework and structure. A summary of the meeting was shared with the OHA Board and Messrs. Mercier and Tuck reiterated that the OHA will continue to ensure that Junior “B” hockey will be available to those members wishing to remain part of the OHA Family and that players and families will continue to have the ability to participate in Hockey Canada-approved hockey. The OHA Board had a fair-ranging discussion on this topic and directed Mr. Tuck to report back to the Board at its next meeting about contingency planning.
4. An update was provided on the status and planning efforts associated with the 2024 Centennial Cup, which is being hosted by the Oakville Blades in May of 2024. Details of this national event were presented in the meeting. The event organizers are currently putting on a push to raise funds/obtain sponsorship dollars for the event. A discussion took place re: if the OHA should support the event by providing funds and sponsorship support. The OHA Finance committee will review and make a recommendation to the OHA Board for its consideration at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
5. A number of updates regarding various OHA programming and initiatives took place. These matters included but were not limited to the following:
- Skilled Trades Update – The OHA recently applied for a provincial grant
- OHA Coaches Club
- Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
- OHA Office – Christmas Holiday Schedule
- Competition Committee
- 2024 OHA AGM – Details, including more information on the location for the 2024 event were presented as per Motion #4 above.
About the Ontario Hockey Association
The Ontario Hockey Association (OHA) was founded on November 27, 1890, and is the governing body for the majority of Junior and Senior hockey in the Province of Ontario. The OHA is a Member Partner of the Ontario Hockey Federation which is one of thirteen Provincial and Regional Branches of Hockey Canada.
It is comprised of three Junior hockey leagues and two Senior hockey leagues: Junior A – Ontario Junior Hockey League; Junior B – Greater Ontario Junior Hockey League; Junior C – Provincial Junior Hockey League, Senior – Allan Cup Hockey (AAA) and Ontario Elite Hockey League (AA). For the 2023-24 season, these five leagues encompass 123 teams.
The objectives of the OHA are to foster and encourage the sport of amateur hockey, to conduct competition in the various categories established, to determine teams for entry into the inter-branch competitions that may be provided by Hockey Canada, and to provide for the affiliation of other hockey organizations.
The OHA provides administrative resources, coordinates programs, services and events for hockey participants and provides support to various Development Programs for coaches, officials, trainers and players, Safety and Risk Management Issues and offers resources for Harassment and Abuse education.
For more information or to set up an interview, please contact:
Chris McCleary
General Manager, Operations & Marketing
Ontario Hockey Association